Friday 18 February 2011

Not so bad

Well, yesterday was really not so bad, I stood on the scales this morning and they said 15 st. 0.6 so that's about half a pound off - yes I know it's not a lot but at least it is in the right direction and gives me a bit of a spur on for today.

Suppose I should mention where I want to get to - my destination. Well, ideally I would like to get to 9st 2 lb, I remember when I was 9st 2lb - it was a very long time ago (in a galaxy far far away!) when I was 14. I remember it so well as my target was to diet to 9 st. I was the same height as I am now and 9 st was mid way between my ideal highest and lowest weight for my height. It was just before easter and my step dad bought florentines from the local bakery, florentines are lovely but have a chocolate base and are really high in sugar, fat and calories. I had been dieting really well, reached 9 st 2 lb and had a florentine - I decided that that had ruined my diet completely and instead of just enjoying the treat and carrying on with the task at hand I blew it completely and went on a binge. To this day I regret that, but I was 14 and didn't have the wisdom of years that I do now some 1/4 of a century later.

That's why I want to keep writing this blog, I think it can help me keep perspective and focus on where I'm going - if you choose to follow me on the journey, you ma be around for some time, I really think it's going to take me ages to get where I'm going. I may reach a higher weight and be happy where I am, I'll decide that along the way.

Anyway, I'll sign off for now as I have to get ready to go to work, but I'll try and get back later with details of all I've eaten today.


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