Thursday 24 March 2011

14 Stone 12 pounds

Yay, another 1.5 pounds off and going strong, I haven't been perfect all week, but I've tried to have as many good days or good parts of days that the little bits wrong don't count in the overall scheme of things. Really happy that things are now moving in the right direction.

I'm still doing Mr Motivator and I really think that's helping with when I do go a little bit astray - I think it's giving me that extra bit of leeway. I hope however, that my tea last night (sausage sandwiches and chips), together with my snickers bar, do not derail next weeks losses, oh and tomorrow is end of month Friday tea, but again I will try and make sure that I stay on track.

Fingers crossed for next week!

Thursday 17 March 2011

14 stone 13.5 pounds

Yay, lost 1.5 pounds and I'm now officially the right side of 15 stone, now I've just got to keep it up and keep moving forward. I have been continuing with Mr M so I'm now getting more exercise which should help and I have a clear vision of where I want to get so that I'm sure will help too. Just really chuffed I'm getting there!

It probably would have been better had I not had a Pizza Hut pasta on Tuesday night, but I was feeling full of cold and really didn't feel like cooking, but hay, I still lost some!

Monday 14 March 2011

Don't Panic!

Well, in the words of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, I may not have posted for a few days, but I have not fallen off the wagon, I've not eaten any chocolate that was not accounted for or allowed within my syns. I am feeling very virtuous (and dare I say it, a little slimmer).

I went through my underwear draw the other day, and realised that I have a huge collection of very sexy satin undies in sizes that used to fit me, and would be considered quite slim now. It's weird, I've always been told I was overweight, probably since about 12 or 13, but now I look back and I realise I should never have listened to any of the people who said I was podgy or fat - I wasn't. I had a 28 inch waist, which by current dress sizes is a 10!!! - so to all those people who were horrible to me and in severe need of glasses I BLOW A RASBERRY IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION!

At the moment I am enjoying slimming and feel confident in the knowledge that I will get back to that 28 inch waist again, and all that slinky underwear will be back against my skin again (and not bursting at the seams)

Till next time!

Friday 11 March 2011

Still hanging in there

Well, I've had another good day (up until now anyway), and Mr M is still making a regular appearance in my day (don't tell the hubby!).

I had yogurt for breakfast with leek and potato soup for lunch (syn free), three Ryvita crispbreads with it, and for tea I had Chicken Jalafrezi and rice for tea (slimming world recipe and syn free again) - Yee Ha, what a great day, so hoping for good things on the scales next week and will most definitely not be happy if I do not lose some weight. I do know however that my size is changing so even if I'm not losing weight, my clothes fit better.

Anyway, I'm off for now, probably back again tomorrow with an update. Will give Mr M a miss for the weekend (save him for after work during the week).

Thursday 10 March 2011

15 stone 1 pound

To say I'm disappointed would be a bit of an understatement, but I'm determined to continue. It's probably due to the fact that I had that pizza and bits on Friday and didn't really start following the plan properly until Monday, but yesterday was another good day and even after Slimming World in that black hole that is Wednesday evenings, I still stuck to the plan. I EVEN WENT FOR THE HAT TRICK YESTERDAY AND DID MR M AGAIN!

Long may this continue & less of me shall you see!!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Mr M two days in a row

Yay, I actually got out my Mr Motivator DVD again today - so that's two days in a row. I'm trying to get into the habit of coming home from work and doing 15 minutes exercise before I even sit down or do tea, if I can make it into a habit I'm less likely to forget to do it (that's the theory anyway).

Hopefully all this exercise, combined with me being super good about what I eat will show on the scales, it might not this week though as it will only have been a few days of being good and not an entire week. But I'll have to work on that next week - as they say 'Rome wasn't built in a day', and neither was my big fat tummy, I'll have you know I've been working on that for years!

My aim is to get to my club 10 target in the next 12 weeks, which from where I was last Wednesday will be 14.5 lb, this is just over 1 lb per week, so not too difficult but I do need to buckle down and actually start following the plan.

so fingers crossed!

Monday 7 March 2011

Things are on the up!

Well, yesterday was not perfect and I ate my hubbys pudding last night (well, he didn't want it!).

Today has been really good though - yogurt for breakfast, apple snack, cous cous salad for lunch and oven baked risotto for tea (all of which are on plan) AND I EVEN DID SOME MR MOTIVATOR EXERCISES!!!!

Yay for me!

Saturday 5 March 2011


Well, yesterday was not perfect in any way, shape or form. I had a lovely BLT baguette for my lunch, bought for me by my lovely friend Kirsty (we take it in turns to buy lunch on a Friday - it's a great way to start the weekend). Then for tea Geoff and I had Pizza's, well, Charlie was staying at a friends and it took us so long to decide what to have for tea we ended up deciding on takeaway. Mr M did not get a look in either so I'm still the same tubby me (well, maybe a little bit tubbier - courtesy of the rocky road pudding that went with the pizza, oh and the side order of potato wedges!).

Well, must keep trying!

Thursday 3 March 2011

15 stone 0.5 lb

Well, that's the official weigh in weight - like the old school reports 'must try harder'. I really do want to start being able to wear smaller clothes and not feel so self-conscious pulling at tops to make sure they don't cling to all my curves (which I might add are in all the wrong places!).

I didn't end the day well yesterday, I didn't fancy the curry so I had two cheese and onion sandwiches for my tea, which were absolutely gorgeous I might add! I also succummed to a cream bun in work after a particularly traumatic afternoon (well, that's my excuse anyway).

I did think of buying some chocolate or crisps to have with my curry for lunch today, but managed to resist (you see I do try, just rarely succeed, but I do try!). I'm trying to think of my food as either helping me to get where I want to go or poisoning me, but even as a poison, chocolate still looks good!

I am also going to try and use my Mr Motivator DVD every night this week and will see if this helps to stop me going up on the scales instead of down.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Weigh in day

Okay, so tonight is my official weigh in, so today is starvation day. Think all of us in Slimming World do it - you starve yourself before weigh in and then between weigh in and midnight is the blackhole between the end of one week and the start of the next. Stupid really, if I just kept eating sensibly all week then the weight would come off easily.

Sounds really easy when you say it like that, but I wouldn't be overweight if I were able to just eat sensibly all the time. I have no full button for chocolate or cakes. I'm sat here in work and there are cream cakes at the end of the room but I am resisting.

I have also found out that Bananas disagree with me, been eating them for years and suddenly made the connection a couple of days ago between me eating them and the most awful bloated feeling. Not sure what it is about them but I haven't had a banana today and I feel so much better for it - now if I could just get chocolate to have the same effect on me I might stop eating it!

Anyway, I've not quite starved myself today, I've had yogurt for breakfast, an apple, a clementine and a mug shot noodle thing for lunch, will probably be starving by 3 p.m. but there you go.

I've even got tea all sorted for when I get back from class tonight - slow cooked chicken curry, which is currently in the slow cooker at home on low - YUM!!!!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Not too bad

Well, yesterday was quite a good day, I had a pasta salad for lunch, yogurt breakfast and eggs with slimming world chips for tea - I did however have a cream cake at work (it was someone's birthday), some pizza crusts (Geoff had for tea) and also some Choco Bites, which we bought with the pizza, so not quite so good.

I still haven't managed to get out Mr Motivator again, but I know I should - maybe tonight.

Anyway, see you later (proof will be in the weight tomorrow).